This week we finally got around to doing date #1 of out 12 dates of Christmas and it was a blast!
Just to recap for you, I gave my husband the 12 dates of Christmas for Christmas this past year and he gets to redeem a date each month. The envelopes that have the date ideas in them include everything that we need for that date. The dates also correspond with the 12 days of Christmas song, so this month is a partridge in a pear tree.

The bottom reads: we sure do make a great "pair" For our date we had to do everything with our hands tied together.
Here was our list of tasks to accomplish one handed for the evening:

First we had to pick out outfits for each other. For this date, we weren't leaving the house, so they were a little goofy:

My husband picked out a white skirt for me with a "New York" print shirt, piano print skinny tie, and inside out vest.

I made him wear a red bow around his neck, a suit coat, and a cowboy hat.

Our first task was to put together a puzzle. I just cut up the back of a cereal box.
ta-da :)

Our second task was to make a collage out of some tissue paper. The husband wanted to make a rocket ship. It turned out pretty well I think. I even got to put a pink window on it. While we were doing all this, we had our dinner cooking.

Penne pasta, yum!

I must say that eating dinner with the husband with our hands tied together was much better than eating spaghetti with your hand tied to a deacon when you were a beehive and your leaders were trying to teach you proper etiquette. That's a store for a different time though.

Our next task was to write a haiku about our night. It reads "Alex is five plus one, going to be youngerest, what a funnerest" He was remarking that he felt like he was six, because having your hands tied together really diminishes your coordination. Apparently it diminishes your English skills too, because this thing makes no sense whatsoever. Also, does Alex have one syllable or two?

One of the last things we had to do was take a picture of ourselves to commemorate the night.
Thanks for reading everyone. Stay tuned for date #2 :)
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